Friday, June 24, 2022

Rue Vie Wait


I abhor that 

insecure men 

afflicted with micro-dicks

hate women so much 

they govern their body and kin

with micro-pen that pierces skin

just to violate generations of souls

while “righteous” hypocrisy

acts like bare feet on blazing coals, 

and wounds so capriciously.


The way

that lies of freedom and liberty

Is lost

So callow 

So shallow

Like new biting frost

In the morn 

Of a brave new sunlight.

“Prepare the shackles!”

“Bind their delicate wrists!” 

their echoes shriek as 

they salivate 

upon this day of execution.

They strive to seal the fates

Of innumerable women

Both born and unborn

For decades to come.

Shame on them, 

and they I condemn, 

for picking a fight 

that was already won.


Hell hath no fury…

I eagerly await the day

to hand out matches for

It’s their damn right…

I’ll stand by as 

The flames ignite through the night.

If puerile fans clown around 

and burn a town down

because their sports ball team 

had outdone the other, 

I’m perfectly fine with 

having a new Ladies Night

where the girls, 

after the last straw, 

make it a point to instill fright.

As a father 

in awe of a daughter, 

and the son of 

another incredible mother, 

the lucky brother of a powerful sister, 

and a proud husband of an unstoppable mother, 

I’m outraged and repulsed to be associated 

with the nincompoops and 

beleaguered, feeble old men 

who proclaim to be “family men.”  

Spare me the insult to my intelligence 

that this could be anything but 

a boot of strangulation to the throat 

of every expectant mother.

To force a young victim, 

To live day to day

With the ravages of rape

until delivery day,

And carry the child

Within her

Then every day on her body

Until babe becomes man.

Damning that woman for twenty years


for the falsities of

Pro life

Gimme a break

They hate women

Pure and simple

And deserve to be castrated, 

for it’s not a burden of man but

One for a woman to bear

And she’ll crush it I’m sure

But at what costs?

To sacrifice career, health, money, freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…

Shame on you, SCOTUS, shame on you for the rest of your days. You’ve lost all integrity, in every single way.

Theocracy and corruption are the new norm, goodbye facts, farewell, spine, i don’t give a damn about anybody’s hide but mine.

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