Ooh la la
Ooh La la
Once again
At a bar
Hula music
Don’t confuse it
For a romp
At the mall
Uitwaaien is a Dutch word that cannot be fully translated into English: it literally means "to walk in the wind," but in the more figurative and commonly used sense, it means "to take a brief break in the countryside to clear one's head."
I abhor that
insecure men
afflicted with micro-dicks
hate women so much
they govern their body and kin
with micro-pen that pierces skin
just to violate generations of souls
while “righteous” hypocrisy
acts like bare feet on blazing coals,
and wounds so capriciously.
The way
that lies of freedom and liberty
Is lost
So callow
So shallow
Like new biting frost
In the morn
Of a brave new sunlight.
“Prepare the shackles!”
“Bind their delicate wrists!”
their echoes shriek as
they salivate
upon this day of execution.
They strive to seal the fates
Of innumerable women
Both born and unborn
For decades to come.
Shame on them,
and they I condemn,
for picking a fight
that was already won.
Hell hath no fury…
I eagerly await the day
to hand out matches for
It’s their damn right…
I’ll stand by as
The flames ignite through the night.
If puerile fans clown around
and burn a town down
because their sports ball team
had outdone the other,
I’m perfectly fine with
having a new Ladies Night
where the girls,
after the last straw,
make it a point to instill fright.
As a father
in awe of a daughter,
and the son of
another incredible mother,
the lucky brother of a powerful sister,
and a proud husband of an unstoppable mother,
I’m outraged and repulsed to be associated
with the nincompoops and
beleaguered, feeble old men
who proclaim to be “family men.”
Spare me the insult to my intelligence
that this could be anything but
a boot of strangulation to the throat
of every expectant mother.
To force a young victim,
To live day to day
With the ravages of rape
until delivery day,
And carry the child
Within her
Then every day on her body
Until babe becomes man.
Damning that woman for twenty years
for the falsities of
Pro life
Gimme a break
They hate women
Pure and simple
And deserve to be castrated,
for it’s not a burden of man but
One for a woman to bear
And she’ll crush it I’m sure
But at what costs?
To sacrifice career, health, money, freedom, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness…
Shame on you, SCOTUS, shame on you for the rest of your days. You’ve lost all integrity, in every single way.
Theocracy and corruption are the new norm, goodbye facts, farewell, spine, i don’t give a damn about anybody’s hide but mine.
We’re getting older. Every second. Every day.
We’re acquiring knowledge in every way. I’m grateful for the mistakes, and the infinite times I’ve said “Whatever it takes,” for bolder and badder, we rise every morning we wake.
We’ve buried friends and fam, awoken with moments of glam, seen the depths of the soul, but we rise, with a clearer understanding of Who I Am.
It’s always evolving, different versions of we, even though you and I remain different in memory. I praise differences, because that’s how we grow.
The day ones and brand new ones, the grandparents and infant sons, and daughters, handcraft ourselves into brighter suns. The radiance blinds as we shine through the tunnels of darkness and doubt, but still, like a fine wine, we can’t get better without time.
I’m 38, and at times, all my life, I crave escape, but I’m again grateful for every person I’ve met, because you’ve helped me achieve what I once thought impossible.
Thank you.