Long time no write. I got married to the love of my life, the only woman for me, the one who I understand and delight, the reason I breathe.
We're moving soon, to South Virginia, and I couldn't be more excited to be opening a new chapter with her. Work...will be sorted out. I just have to write a letter and mail it out to Norfolk. As I write this, I realize how life has more spontaneity than a drug-addled cruise activities director, wild-eyed with induced flight of the mental and limitless energy of the physical that could fill several universes.
I rode a tumultuous wave of what to do about my current position because as it turns out, I'm the top guy ready to be converted to full-time, and this situation brings me to a definitive fork in the road. Path A has me converted at full-time status possibly by summer 2017 and I would have to wait a year or more to transfer down to Virginia. Path B has me starting from day 0 at the new post office, but I'll be with the love of my life and on the way to beginning a family, which is frankly the only thing I'm concerned about at 32 winters under my belt. I've chosen Path B, and I've made my peace with this option because family comes first.
As I watch Kuromukuro, a Japanese anime about a samurai who returns 450 years later in the future to battle ogres that destroyed his life, and how he battles these ogres with mechanized suits while simultaneously trying to survive in modern society, rife with technology like smartphones, bullet trains, etc. in 2016, I realize that life and relationships are all about compromise and "scratching people's backs." I love Annie, with all of my heart and all of my soul, and I will do everything to ensure her happiness, and mine in the process, and I know moving to VA in summer/fall of 2016 is the right move for us and our family.
I'll write soon.
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