Monday, June 30, 2014


One of the best aspects of being in a new financial position is the fact that I'm re-learning how to live within my means.  I feel somewhat proud of myself for biking to the supermarket, filling up two baskets worth of food, realizing I was on a budget and but one basket back, and preparing to cook for the week instead of the night!

I'm taking my financial situation more seriously, and now that I have a financial goal in mind ($10,000 by June 2015), I'm keeping myself a little more grounded in terms of expenditures. Anybody can save money as long as they're willing to live with a little sacrifice.  I'm putting X, Y, and Z away into different accounts, and I'm confident I'll reach my objectives.

A partial aside is that I'm digging the postal service now more than ever.  Today, I finished my route plus a two hour piece.  I know I can pick up the pace a little bit more, but I know that would only have management give me a 2.5, 3, and maybe even 4 hour piece!  I'm certainly more mindful of how every turn and step affect my overall productivity, which leads me to believe this is a metaphor for life.  One can't waste ANY time in order to reach their goal.

A part of me is looking for ways to keep myself productive for when I return home.  Now, it seems like I have ample time to accomplish more.  I do want my Master's in English Literature, and this is the most opportune moment for me to acquire it.  I miss reading and analyzing components of literature, and I just need to buckle down and find an online university that provides me the luxury of becoming a student, never thought I'd say that!

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