Tuesday, January 28, 2014

State of the Union Address 280114

I'm watching the State of the Union Address now.  I'll comment on observations taken and statements made.

Creating new jobs - This should be the utmost priority for the U.S. government.  Americans DO want a year of action, not talk.

President Obama mentions the American Dream, which is "If you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead in America" and I think he's made his point by saying that it has been a struggle and upward mobility has been difficult.

He's talking about creating jobs, but is this just more rhetoric and talking points?

President Obama is now referring to his wife and how she sets a good example of bipartisanism.  Childhood obesity rates have decreased for the first time in thirty years?  I'll have to fact-check that.  I only see kids getting fatter.

The President stated that higher education and university is going to be more accessible and attainable for youth.  I don't believe that's what we should be focused on.  We need ALL students to either go to trade school or university because to have high school graduates remain stagnant is what's crippling the recesses of the city.

Vice-president Joe Biden and Speaker of the House John Boehner are sitting in the background.  I'm not entirely convinced that VP Biden is listening.  He just took out a pen, and I'm pretty sure he's doodling...hopefully it's not pictures of what Boehner looks like as a duck.

Obama just said that we need to reinvest in technology and businesses that focus on innovation, and he received a standing ovation for his comments.  The audience, all politicians, of which I assume are Senators and House Representatives, and they all appear soulless to me.  I see no passion, no fire in any of their spirits.  They are going through the motions and doing what the others do, mindless sheep grazing about on the lands of not being noticed.

I wonder if he's going to discuss the US military actively seeking to replace soldiers with robots.

See here:  http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9244060/U.S._military_may_have_10_robots_per_soldier_by_2023?pageNumber=1

Terrible idea.  Am I the only man who has seen Terminator 1, 2, and 3?  I'll write another blog about this soon enough.

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