Thursday, July 28, 2022


Your mind wants it

But your ears and heart don’t 

For friends will stand by you 

Sometimes, they just won’t

Not only parts your lips

But also shuts them so tight

Puts babes to rest

But keeps you up all night

It changes form

The wasp of life

It can wound so deep

But also set you free

Choose its paths wisely 

 And take care of its destiny

Guard it tight

And don’t regret

Always forgive

But never forget.

Sunday, July 24, 2022


 Am I a hero?

I have flaws 

I won’t deny

That at times

I’m the best

At making myself cry.

Am I a hero?

I will admit

Although I suffer

I show up

When every

body else quits.

I’m no hero

I understand 

But I always

Do the best that I can.

I’ve spilled beads of sweat,

Drops of tears,

Enough of my blood

To fill most hearts with fear.

Maybe not, 

Now that I 

think of it,

Is their glory 

for a fool 

who can’t quit?

Am I wasting my talents

By not chasing the fame

Or am I doing 

what needs to be done 

as I walk alone

The only one

To choose the path 

Of the whistlin’ mailman?

Nah, I’m no hero.

Just doing my job

Just another day

Gotta keep moving

Cuz the job’s not done.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


 I feel like 

Such a bumbling

Fumbling fool

Who jumbles and juggles

Phrords and waises 


Words and phrases

When tired am I

And  annoyed me be

So frustrated at times

To explain this feird weeling


Weird feeling

So tired all the time

Can’t abide by 

chimes of pressure

It’s beyond defeating 

Silence works best for me

To formulate ideas more eloquently 

No wonder nobody listens to the unintended hypocrisy 

Friday, July 15, 2022

Why Bother

Ask a question 

No response 

Offer a solution

No action

Wayward winds blowing in wanton ways

Stay in for the long haul with no looks and no praise

Ask a question

No response

Offer a solution 

No action

Stifled silence slowly snuffs out the internal flame

What remains are the smoky ashes of insolent blame

Ask a question

No response 

Offer a solution

No action

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Leaky roof

 I don’t know what’s going on in that beautiful mind of yours.

I’m not even going to begin to understand.

As the days go on and nights turns into days

I’m starting to grasp that you’re as dramatic as I am.

Monday, July 4, 2022

In Depends Day

 Like some Americans, I’m conflicted.  On one hand, I celebrate independence from The Conqueror.  On the other hand, as much as I hate playing the victim, I can’t escape feeling conquered.  Mass shootings every day, must deliver baby cuz ain’t no other way, still illegal to be brown, but put on a smiley face and don’t frown. 

We went to the beach yesterday, and the townies had a grand parade, lots of blondies wearing their red, white and blues, already drunk way before noon, I kept hearing “Everyone’s American today,” yeah, right, only if you’re fair-skinned with nothing to say.  I was terrified as I walked with my family, through the crowds of the privileged and the plenty, people just standing in the way, forcing me to yell, “Excuse me!” Awaiting conflict, and praying for safe passage, we made our way back to our parking space.

Today was founded with a barrage of bombardment, as we let The Conquerors know the business we meant, for freedom only rings with violence and commitment, and Heaven knows the time we’ve spent, waiting for change that was supposed to come, awaiting the day of Freedom for everyone.

I’m not holding my breath, sadly, I’ve been prepared for Death, that any day could be my last, say the wrong thing and at last, I see a blast.  Everyone’s scared to get their ass whooped, so they hold the piece unsteady, begging for the wrong look.

Weird times, we’re living in, is it naive or is it sin? To wait for freedom in the land we’re living in, I can’t complain because pretty pretty I’m sitting.  I treat all with kindness, but I know it’s rare, to live in a country whose sole purpose is to scare.

I keep my head up, for I know this shall pass, and soon we’ll return to kindness en masse, but for now I’m vigilant as I always have been, to welcome the change that I know is coming.

These fireworks have been going on for three days now.  Cheese and rice, I can’t wait for tomorrow.

Sunday, June 26, 2022


 Ooh la la

Ooh La la

Once again 

At a bar

Hula music

Don’t confuse it

For a romp

At the mall