Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Conflict resolution

 I’m just curious

If we were to have a conflict,

How would you resolve it?

Would you cry about it,


Would you run from it

And stew?

Would you yell and lash out like a


Or would you fix it

And proceed?

I choose to address it,

And mend it,

And do all I can

To never forget it.

I don’t cast aspersions or blame

But I want harmony to remain.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Uno, dos, tres…

 I was stopped at a red light watching traffic go by, and I spotted two bikers careening down the highway.  Their engines were roaring like a lion being forced to maintain a vegan diet.  Clamoring for attention the bikers revved their Harley’s, obnoxiously, for all of humanity to see, two morons, in full admiration of their own stupidity.

These weren’t just your average morons, however, as I think I was the only one aware of their perverse peculiarity.  No something wasn’t right about these guys.  There was something quite strange to perceive.

I saw two grinning skeletons upright on two skeletal steeds.  I might be wrong, and i might be right, but what I saw disturbed my night.

Friday, November 15, 2024

Et tu, Rockay?

 Are they afraid of this man

Who is afraid of sound plans?

Are they afraid of this man

Puerile as he stands?

Are they afraid of this man

Who has fans in the klan?

Are they afraid of this man;

I do not understand.

I grow weary and teary

As I see the heroes of my youth 

Fall in line to kiss the ring

Of a man who makes me leary.

Thursday, October 17, 2024


 America’s not a country

It’s a corporation 

Dis organization 

thrives on

Eternal damn nation

Saturday, August 10, 2024


 Thanks for clarifying what was once unclear.  Now, more than ever in recent history, unions and collective bargaining are crucial to maintaining the frayed fabric of society.  The industrial monster of this country is notorious for grinding bones and crushing souls of the every day worker.  United, we’re strong, but sadly, the rhetoric and animosity of many on this post who want to leave the union, will inevitably lead us to our demise.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Start Now

 Start organizing.  Start showing up to meetings.  Start bringing your co-workers to the meetings.  Start voting on actions you want to enact.  

I’m frustrated, too.  Although venting online may help, it doesn’t fix the problem.  Be the change you want to see.  It won’t happen today.  It won’t happen tomorrow.  Over time, change will come.  It all starts now.  Start now.

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Postal Pettiness

 Some of you people playing these stupid games need a hug.  It’s pathetic.  This desperation for power, attention, clout is unnecessary and only results in two people agitating each other.  What’s the point of this nonsense besides a commiseration of misery?  Do the work, go home. It’s easy.  But of course the band of button-pushing, booger-eating brothers continue to egg each other on with this petty lunacy.    Cowards.

The customer refused it.  UBBM. End of story.  We’re getting paid pennies to deliver horsespit that some people clearly don’t want.  But you, Lord Almighty of the Wedgie Wars, are trying to prove a point?  For what?  What do you win?  Get a hobby.  Or a cat.

Friday, April 26, 2024

To The Women Who Love Us

(V) I ain’t no saint

It’s just a bruise 

Got trouble with trustin’

And nothing to lose.

(V) Sometimes I’m afraid

People need a break

We’ve been through something

I don’t want to be fake.

 (I) I don’t mean 

to take 

it all out 

on you.

(V) Cracked a few ribs

And I can’t give a fuck

But know that deep down 

With you, can’t mess it up.

(V) Small vic trees ahead,

Rack em up 

Until there’s 

more than a few.

(C) Seriously though,

I can’t do this

Without you

Without you,

I can’t breathe

Without you,

Colors fade

And turn to black

Without you

Without you.



This is what

I have to do…

Is this what 

I have to do?

Thursday, February 1, 2024


 that’s my trick, too.  

Fingers gonna crack 

every winter,

 ain’t no fixin it,

 just gotta deal with it.  

I hydrate,


with gloves 

at night, 

but without fail,

 got these 

daily reminders 

on my fingertips 

that’ll fade 

as the days age.

Wednesday, January 31, 2024

I Fail


I Fail.

I try and try

Yet To no avail.

Like a gull

Chasing a ship,

Flyin gainst 

The wind,

just to 

Sit on a sail



I fail.


Most times

I Fail.

Like a fool

Comin in late

To the final 

Of life

Pencils unsharpened

Dead calculator

But genuine 

With every intent 


To succeed

But sometimes 

I fail

Sunday, January 21, 2024


 Such a good word

I have a hungry soul.  I will feed you.  



I see my life as a handful of sand

Gravity mixed with time

In the palm of my hand

slowly slipping away

I ponder on the purpose of it all.

Existential crisis

Not quite yet

But well on my way

No one ever tells you yo about the tedium of monotony that is comfort.

I realize the personal recognition of my social anxiety originated from going to these house and Telly parties as a yooot in da hood, and being surround by all these sex people congregating  andgyrating in a hot ass basement of tiny kitchen that managed an island in a studio apartment, and knowing the underlying fact of my happiness is dancing to music, grinding with a bombastic chick with house music bumping, and watching anime in shared solitude all night with only one other like-minded soul.

I tell people I’m an onion, and they never believe me.

Friday, January 19, 2024


 I don’t like to be followed.

I avoid being under the influence.

Augmented reality looks like expensive enhanced hallucinations to me.


We’re in the future, and it’s looking pretty weird to me.

There’s this strange disconnect with reality occurring that makes me somewhat dizzy.

I don’t do it for the gram.

I barely Facebook as it is.

I spend more time killing, blocking, prohibiting advertisements on FB, that I think I’ll call it quits.

You win, Lord Zuckerberg.  The endless scroll of doom did me in.  You stole all my friends and replaced each one with ten companies who want my money.

If you want to reach me, feel free to email me…but who will see this?

The algorithm encourages extroverts to post post post.  I don’t post enough to be visible.


Wednesday, January 17, 2024



I read the news,


more and more these days, 

and I wonder, 

if somewhere,

 in the infinite 

existence and expanse 

of global languages, 

if there is 

a word 

that describes 

the emotion of irony 

between laughter 

and tears,

 like when you go to KFC 

after a long day 

of muckery, 

and KFC 

is completely

and udderly 

out of chicken.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Influencer

 Shout out Gorillaz

So tired so tired so tired

Staying up all day and all night

Smiling so hard like their jaw has been wired

As soon as they post, their popularity expires.

Desperate for likes

From strangers abroad

Gotta fake it so well 

So they don’t know they’re a fraud.

It’s exhausting to witness.

They see their ratings rise

 as the soul sinks into the abyss,

to feed the blind babies of flies.

Sell your soul, 

your persona, 

your body, 

and your booty hole;

When will it end?

Will it ever end?

Like the endless scrolling of doom

And restless tedium of Zoom

Trapped for hours inside of a room

Devoid of breath and zeal 

But Kaboom!

A glimmer of light

As the exit sign shines bright

We can continue to live 

As time falls rapidly 

Like flour through a sieve…

I feel so sorry for the influencer. 

 To perpetually live 

in the now and the present 

and have all of your life’s energy 

Properly and completely spent.

I long for the days 

When I was plagued by stale scones

But now I’m stuck with

Cracked screens and

Swarms of replicator drones.

oy vey

I choose broken teeth

Over this madness underneath

Any day of the week.

It’s wild to see 

the smiling faces 

Of beautiful strangers

living in digital misery,

I see their masks

And they all look so sad to me

But who am I 

Hiding behind this poetry?


And exaggerated

Companies of reality.



Even almost infinite

As the hunt for the money within the 

Bottomless pockets of Advertisers

They grow

None the wiser to the fact that

They will only despise the average him and her.

What’s real?

What’s not?

It’s all so absurdly fraught 

with denial 

ethics on trial 

a reminder 

that one’s life 

is so delicate

 and fragile.

I don’t envy them.  

I can’t even fathom 

what depths cause

one to embark

 on their path

 of cult figure 

that leaves the psyche

 Beyond bewildered.


Shards of glass

Strewn on the floor

Cuz you sellin dat ass.

What’s it like, 

to spend all your days 

Awake and afraid,

By the product you made

bullied by a ring of light 

living life

 like a slave 




A little bit of you

Always dying

Amazed by the design 

of a malignant hula hoop 

Of disillumination…

Or is it disillusionment…

of glory holy daze?

The influencer 

You have my sympathies

 a thousand times over.  

My hats off to you 

as we all watch you bend over.