Wednesday, June 28, 2023

With You

 You don’t listen to me.

Therefore, why bother to speak?

It’s infuriating.

You don’t listen

And when you do

You forget what I say

So why do I bother?

I’m not addicted to pain and abuse 

What a Maze

 Another day

Another dollar

Seeing people

Makes me want to holler

Another life

Another wife

Strikes me odd

Like a priest without a collar 

Would I change

A thing about my being?

Perhaps the booze 

But at least I know I will not lose.

Out of place 

Different rat race 

There must be

Reasons to make a dollar

Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Once again

 I feel poetic

Drinking wine

Like an aesthetic 

Or is it ascetic 

Numbs the pain

Once again

Found what I

Have been missing

A feeling to the pain 

Numbing it 

to live again 

Oddly enough

Been sober

For three months

All the while

Searching for a feeling

And here it is

Once again

The heaviness that falls

Right behind the eyelids 

Drawing curtains of steel

Unreal, what zeal

I return to the love

Of my life to fight strife.

Red wine

Who’da thunk

This red grape 

breathes new life.

Once again

Can’t explain

But miss it 

I do and do not.