Wednesday, January 17, 2024



I read the news,


more and more these days, 

and I wonder, 

if somewhere,

 in the infinite 

existence and expanse 

of global languages, 

if there is 

a word 

that describes 

the emotion of irony 

between laughter 

and tears,

 like when you go to KFC 

after a long day 

of muckery, 

and KFC 

is completely

and udderly 

out of chicken.

Friday, January 12, 2024

The Influencer

 Shout out Gorillaz

So tired so tired so tired

Staying up all day and all night

Smiling so hard like their jaw has been wired

As soon as they post, their popularity expires.

Desperate for likes

From strangers abroad

Gotta fake it so well 

So they don’t know they’re a fraud.

It’s exhausting to witness.

They see their ratings rise

 as the soul sinks into the abyss,

to feed the blind babies of flies.

Sell your soul, 

your persona, 

your body, 

and your booty hole;

When will it end?

Will it ever end?

Like the endless scrolling of doom

And restless tedium of Zoom

Trapped for hours inside of a room

Devoid of breath and zeal 

But Kaboom!

A glimmer of light

As the exit sign shines bright

We can continue to live 

As time falls rapidly 

Like flour through a sieve…

I feel so sorry for the influencer. 

 To perpetually live 

in the now and the present 

and have all of your life’s energy 

Properly and completely spent.

I long for the days 

When I was plagued by stale scones

But now I’m stuck with

Cracked screens and

Swarms of replicator drones.

oy vey

I choose broken teeth

Over this madness underneath

Any day of the week.

It’s wild to see 

the smiling faces 

Of beautiful strangers

living in digital misery,

I see their masks

And they all look so sad to me

But who am I 

Hiding behind this poetry?


And exaggerated

Companies of reality.



Even almost infinite

As the hunt for the money within the 

Bottomless pockets of Advertisers

They grow

None the wiser to the fact that

They will only despise the average him and her.

What’s real?

What’s not?

It’s all so absurdly fraught 

with denial 

ethics on trial 

a reminder 

that one’s life 

is so delicate

 and fragile.

I don’t envy them.  

I can’t even fathom 

what depths cause

one to embark

 on their path

 of cult figure 

that leaves the psyche

 Beyond bewildered.


Shards of glass

Strewn on the floor

Cuz you sellin dat ass.

What’s it like, 

to spend all your days 

Awake and afraid,

By the product you made

bullied by a ring of light 

living life

 like a slave 




A little bit of you

Always dying

Amazed by the design 

of a malignant hula hoop 

Of disillumination…

Or is it disillusionment…

of glory holy daze?

The influencer 

You have my sympathies

 a thousand times over.  

My hats off to you 

as we all watch you bend over.  

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Taylor Swift

 I don’t know, bud.  I can see right through her BS.  She’s the devil.  Lucifer.  Beelzebub.    She has minions of tyrannical teenyboppers behind her. Her legions of little lethal ladies.  They will murder for her.  And just shake it off as if it were nothing. I fear for Kansas City because, like Gojira emerging from the waters, she will level KC to the ground with her catchy tunes and songs of syncopation.  She’s about ready to scarf down the NFL.  Go Birds by the way. Scary stuff.  I almost hesitate to post this because I currently enjoy breathing and plan on maintaining that for as long as possible.  #TeamTayTay…are hashtags still a thing…don’t care, I love ‘em.  #SpeakingFacts #StillAPoundSign

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Really, reality?

 What is this place?

I question reality 

What is real

What is not

What is true

What is fraught

With misdeeds 

And deceit, 

I just don’t know anymore

Maybe I never did

I can decipher bullshit  fairly well, better than most, is that why I prefer to be alone?  Everybody is so full of shit these days, with a preoccupation of their own selfish thoughts and desires, and a failure to act upon the common good.

It’s just all so fake.

At times,

It overwhelms my mind.

Friday, September 8, 2023

Rough Day

 I’ve been through hellfire

and came out unscathed.

Deep in the waters

of torment I bathe.

There’s nothing you can do

to make me engage.

I wield truth and light 

just like an old mage

To guide me and drive me

To overcome pain

Nothing will stop me

As I do what I must

To ensure victory

In the pursuit of what’s just.

Tuesday, August 29, 2023


 I’ve been on this route for two years, and I’m watching these kids grow. Lil homey comes up to me, and he’s about 8 years old.  This is how the story goes:

Me: Hey Lil Man.  Are you excited to go back to school?

Him: Yeah, kinda.

Me: You know, what I love about going back to school is seeing all my friends that I didn’t have a chance to visit over the summer.

Him: Yeah, but I have social media.  I know what they’re up to.

Me (amazed): Wow.  I gotta tell ya.  When I was your age…(cue in impending sense of boredom, but I followed through anyway) 

When I was your age, we didn’t have social media.

Him: … (crickets and a blank stare)

Me (laughing hysterically internally): Wow.  I’m old.  Might as well finish.  We didn’t have social media.  We only had rocks.  If we were lucky, a calculator to spell out dirty jokes.  But mostly, just rocks.

Him: OK, thanks, mailman.  Gotta go!

Thursday, August 24, 2023

Heaven Is A Place

There’s a special place in Heaven for us federal employees.  Every day, without fail, something happens that boggles the mind.  Just received a message from you know who telling certain carriers to report to a place for late parcels…20 minutes ago.  Right now it’s 2:12pm, and they want these carriers to report there at 1:50.  ðŸ˜³ I tell myself, ‘maybe I got the message late,’ but I know the truth all too well.  I need to turn that part of the brain off…