Wednesday, January 29, 2014

The Little Frog

-written 101012

Under the palm tree, the little frog did hide
scared of company, ever fiercely he eyed
greedy men in suits of gold, silver, and wool
gobbling tropical fruits by the blue green pool.

So hungry was he, for nothing did he eat, 
so fed up was he, broken shells scorched bare feet,
so confused was he, that Rich Men made this happen,
all the while we see, his poor family lay napping.

Under the island sun, did rays of hope ignite,
Little Frog to cry, “To arms men, let’s fight!!”
With his beetle gun, he’d rampage all night
for his people to dance joyfully, right before his sight.

“But alas little frog, you’re no match for Fat Men
iron machines have they, and they bring destruction!”

“Try I must, for there’s no right they own
to sit on our home as if it’s their throne!”

The little frog ran, as furiously as he could
to defeat the Fat Men, whose houses reeked of dead wood.

“I’ll show those bad guys, just how tough I can be.
 They’ll cry and then flee from my strengthpowerandmight
I’m 3 years old I’m not a boy, but a man! 
With this beetle gun, they’ll be crushed in my han---”

But as he said this, the little frog didn’t see
how quickly his power and life ceased to be. 
As the friend of his foe, one curious puppy dog
took a bite out of our hero, the brave little frog.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

train to Newark

I think I'm happiest when I'm traveling. I'm sitting on the train after transferring from Trenton's  Riverline and I'm at peace. I was thrilled with Korea because I suppose I was perpetually and unceasingly in motion.

Should I become a truck driver or a reporter who travels?  I choose the latter.

State of the Union Address 280114

I'm watching the State of the Union Address now.  I'll comment on observations taken and statements made.

Creating new jobs - This should be the utmost priority for the U.S. government.  Americans DO want a year of action, not talk.

President Obama mentions the American Dream, which is "If you work hard and take responsibility, you can get ahead in America" and I think he's made his point by saying that it has been a struggle and upward mobility has been difficult.

He's talking about creating jobs, but is this just more rhetoric and talking points?

President Obama is now referring to his wife and how she sets a good example of bipartisanism.  Childhood obesity rates have decreased for the first time in thirty years?  I'll have to fact-check that.  I only see kids getting fatter.

The President stated that higher education and university is going to be more accessible and attainable for youth.  I don't believe that's what we should be focused on.  We need ALL students to either go to trade school or university because to have high school graduates remain stagnant is what's crippling the recesses of the city.

Vice-president Joe Biden and Speaker of the House John Boehner are sitting in the background.  I'm not entirely convinced that VP Biden is listening.  He just took out a pen, and I'm pretty sure he's doodling...hopefully it's not pictures of what Boehner looks like as a duck.

Obama just said that we need to reinvest in technology and businesses that focus on innovation, and he received a standing ovation for his comments.  The audience, all politicians, of which I assume are Senators and House Representatives, and they all appear soulless to me.  I see no passion, no fire in any of their spirits.  They are going through the motions and doing what the others do, mindless sheep grazing about on the lands of not being noticed.

I wonder if he's going to discuss the US military actively seeking to replace soldiers with robots.

See here:

Terrible idea.  Am I the only man who has seen Terminator 1, 2, and 3?  I'll write another blog about this soon enough.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snowstorm 21.01.14

10:00 AM - First snowfall.  Wispy, windy, fine dandruff blowing sideways.  Some particles floating about in circles by the balcony.

10:21 -  Roofs and roads/sidewalks unused, lightly covered in snow.  Driving lane's blacktop still visible.

11:01 - Roads covered, all white outside.  One inch.

12:00 - First bus drops kids off.

12:25 - Huge flakes coming down.  Blustery winds seem forlorn and confused about which way to blow, but mostly coming in from the northeast towards southwest (I guess).  After I finish sewing this patch, I'll check how many inches have fallen.

Flock of Seagulls - Best of Album is doing the trick right now.

1:21 - Still sewing...just like how it's still snowing outside...although it's plummeting as if scorned at this point.  Heavy and wet, considerable accumulation on the ground.

Duran Duran - Greatest Hits...phenomenal bassist

1:52 - At least 4 inches on the ground.  Still sewing.  Harumph.  Broke a needle, sore fingers, poor baby I know.  This either means play more bass or sew more patches...both!

2:25 - 6.5 inches of snow.

6:03 - 8 inches of snow

Sunday, January 5, 2014


As I sip on my second glass full of tequila, I think of how my new goal for 2014 is to travel extensively and absorb unabashedly.  Nothing has made more of an impression on me than the experiences I've had while wandering sometimes aimlessly in countries whose language I could not natively speak, so why not make it my sole goal for 2014?

The United States is a wonderful country, and I relish being able to produce at customs that navy blue booklet with the golden eagle which subtly proclaims "F- You, I'm American.  I do what I please,"  yet this is a nation built on capitalism.  Too often, a person feels ashamed for choosing to NOT be productive to their society and instead decides that taking care of their own families is more of a priority.  What I'm speaking of is the housewives and stay-at-home fathers who know that their children are of the utmost significance in the world.  However, because this great nation is preoccupied with an indefatigable business sense, we somehow managed to build a shame in those whom are not an integral component of the paradigm.  In other words, it's all about the Haves and the Have-Nots in this geographical spectrum of East and West Coasts.  If you choose to be neither, what place have you in this society?  I can't easily judge, so I'll dismiss you as useless.

Maybe I want to be amongst the productive of the useless, so I choose to travel given the fact that I have the resources and opportunity to do so.  (Thanks to resigning from the greatest school in Camden...)  To be more elaborate, I'll divulge a little in my reasoning.  There was that time in Japan while the one whom we will not mention was taking her GRE exam, and I had the entire city to myself for 3 hours, and I had a true unbridled blast speaking to Koreans in Korean, drinking as many beers as I could muster from the 7-11s, Family Marts, and Lawson's, and just in general, enjoying life as it came. 

I'm heading to San Jose, Costa Rica in a few days, and I'm procrastinating as I'm about to wash my clothes five hours late according to the plan.  I honestly am so excited about this trip and the people I will meet, and I really am looking forward to landing a job there teaching English.  Honestly, I have the know-how and experience to be able to overcome any dire situation, yet I'm heading there to mainly bone up on my Spanish and find a productive means for 2014.  Sure, I'll only be making $1000/month, but the 4-month jaunt will be so conducive to my development as a human which is eternally priceless.

Let's wash and be merry in 2014!!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Maple Shade to Philly bike ride

Today's bike ride:  Maple Shade, NJ to Philadelphia via Tacony-Palmyra bridge and back

Objective:  Buy Banjo Brothers Saddlebag Pannier
Destination:  Bicycle Stable
Weather: 39 - 36 degrees Fahrenheit

Total Distance: 29 miles

Total Time: 4.5 hours

It started off nice and easy.  I wanted to go Northwest to the Tacony-Palmyra bridge to catch a view in the sunlight, but I ended up heading West and ultimately through Camden via Federal St.  When I realized I had gone the opposite direction, I decided to take PATCO to Philly from the Walter Rand Transportation Center.  PATCO rail only cost $2.40 for a one-way, and I was in Philadelphia in 5 minutes after waiting another 5.  I got out on 8th St., and I immediately fell in love with all of the bike paths Philly has to offer.  Although south Jersey has some in Camden and other parts of Camden county, it's definitely lacking in a lot of areas in the state.

I take a quick 10-15 ride north to Bicycle Stable in Frankford, and the guys couldn't be nicer.  I was surprised to see that not only did they carry Banjo Brothers, but also the exact rear saddlebag pannier in red that I had wanted.  It cost $65 (8% sales tax?!!  Yabba Dabba Doo!) and took a minute to put onto my bike rack.

It is really spacious, yet I'll reinforce it because it seems like it'll break if I have cans along with other groceries and roll over bumps and whatnot.

The ride from Bicycle Stable to the Tacony-Palmyra bridge was a little longer than expected, mainly because I chose a road with a lot of stop signs.  Even north Philly has a ton of bike paths, and I only had to ride with traffic twice because people were entering/exiting a strip mall and crowding the bike lane.

Walking over the bridge was lovely because I just caught the sunset, and the oranges and purples hovered over Philly like a mother singing sweet lullabies to her newborn in the crib.  I saw a lot of deer prancing around and took chase to see if I could live in their world, but they were too shy.  Instead, I played Air Guitar outside of the NJ State Police HQ in Palmyra.  It just seemed appropriate.

I stopped at a pizzeria, that was open, but not open because of renovation, but was still open...or so the sweet pizzeria mama told me.  I asked if she could heat up a slice, and she said no, so I wished them a happy new year and took off.

Swerving and weaving, I didn't have a care in the world...until the cars behind me started honking...then I straightened out my act.

I found another pizzeria, had two slices, went to the bank, and cruised on home.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

To Ms. Durkin

The babe's arrival,
as pure as the snow that gently falls, 
as tranquil as the wintry scene beyond the windowpane, 
and as wondrous as the glory of a snowy day.