Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Snow day, part deux, 12.10.13

Another snow day...one bottle of wine...what to do, what to do!

I'm starting to believe that snow is an abnormal phenomenon in south Jersey/Philly area.  They cancelled school two days in a row because Sunday afternoon, it snowed about 6-8 inches.  It was relatively clear at night, but I understand that the freezing rain would have made commuting hectic.  However, today we got to school at the regular bright hour of 6:10, only to come and find out that at 7:00, school would be cancelled.  We called parents, and I wandered somewhat aimlessly back home, meandering through slushy white highways.

To be honest, driving through what seemed like puffy clouds was surreal, and I wished I had my camera to take snapshots of the angelic curtains of wet.  I'm sitting in my apartment now, radio pumping some sweet sounds, and I'm sipping on a little tea sans whiskey to enjoy this moment of my life :)

Monday, December 9, 2013

Two more weeks...

Two more weeks...

Mixed bag of strange emotions.  One part trepidation, three parts relief.

I was all sorts of anxious recently until today when I started doing research on more jobs teaching abroad.  I'm jazzed about traveling to Costa Rica, and it had been a destination for summer, but if nothing opens up, why not travel and teach in January?

All I've got to do is travel there, find a school while in country, and cross my fingers and toes.  If nothing comes up, I could just fly back.

With coral artsy, I think she'll be interested in coming, but I need to travel on my own.  Clear the head.

I've got two more weeks at my current school, a charter school in Camden, NJ.  I'm beyond excited for the time to come, and I will still teach my scholars faithfully up until 21.12.13.  However, 2014 will be a new year and I can't wait for its shiny adventures!

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Source of concern...

I forget to breathe.  This isn't a metaphorical statement expressing why I should contemplate on life's dealings.  I literally forget to breathe, and I find myself...drowning on air...it's as if I have a potential case of death by somnolent suffocation, but for adults it's strange.

After starting my trip from Quebec at 5am, I made it all the way through half of NY state and decided to get off and power-nap for 30 minutes.  I pulled into the local Taco Bell/KFC (cast the first stone, I dare you!), turned the car off, reclined the seat back to a somewhat comfortable position, and shut the eyes for a steady snooze.

Napping wasn't as pleasant as I hoped though.  I felt myself struggling to breathe, choking on my subconscious' indecision to function properly, and utterly passively panicking to this phenomenon.

Time Flies

Time flies when you've got tasks that need to be completed.

I've put off grading these papers long enough...oh wait!  Let me check to see if so-and-so is doing such-and-such!

Two hours later...

I'm really excited about the future.  I don't know what I'm going to do though.  It's weird, I'll be 30 in March, and I thought I had my life planned out.  Throw one monkey wrench into the plans, and they all unravel.

I'm in a relationship that I don't know I should be in.
I'm in a job that I'm leaving soon.
I'm in an apartment that...is quite nice actually.
Instead of grading papers, I'm blogging...on a blog site that I seldom visit.

I could just drop everything and move to Costa Rica, find a wife and build a life.

::lifts beer::

Here's to the unknown!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

She might be crazy...

The VCR started acting up again...

Maybe I don't know what I'm getting myself into, especially given the fact that I primarily wanted to solely pay bills.  Then again, I say this when I'm nervous and experiencing the coldest of feet.

We'll see what happens...

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Truth about Online Dating

So I've completely given up on online dating.

Here's the truth about online dating:

Stage 1:  Guys start off by being very selective and sending thoughtful messages.  No woman responds.  Guys get fed up and lash out "Why didn't you message me back?!"  Woman who thought about replying to the guy's message gets turned off and doesn't respond.

Stage 2: Guys then send a thousand well-thought, copy-n-pasted messages to women hoping for companionship (sex).  No woman responds.

Stage 3: Guys finally give up and send pics of flexing and their...ahem...little guys...and women become repulsed by consistent requests for No Strings Attached sex and ultimately the world of online dating.


Stage 4:  Guys receive a message from a random woman whom they missed, they meet up, and magic happens.

Now for the woman's perspective.

Women receive thousands of messages daily.  Women must filter through and discard dis-qualifiers:  Pics of nudiness, copy-n-pasted messages, weirdos, deadbeats, mama's boys, basement dwellers, and sex fiends.

Now, this leaves about 5% of men whom are possible suitors.  (Now you know this blog is relevant and scientific because there's a statistic!)  However, this 3% of these possible suitors have gotten fed up, sent a nasty message, and turned into a weirdo, thus effectively casting themselves into the woman's digital garbage.  What happens with the rest of the suitors?  The woman responds and waits for the guy to either A) dazzle her with his charm or B) put his foot in his mouth and turn her off.

If a woman can help me with this blog's accuracy, I'm all ears.


Here's the most recent message I left in a young lady's inbox:


So people think you're a lesbian? Why's that? I mean, I love lesbians so I think we'd get along lol.

Yes, my sense of humor doesn't translate well online.  This would work better face-to-face.  The young lady would know I'm teasing.  Sadly, humor (along with sarcasm) doesn't translate online well.

Yeah I'm not expecting you to answer back either. I've given up on online dating, and now I use it to have a laugh.

Maybe she'll appreciate the honesty and reply back...hmmm....or maybe dogs will teach me German...it's all possible!!

Nothing against you by the way, so feel free to delete this and chalk this message up on the "Weird-o!!" board.

Good luck finding whomever complements you,


Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Cooking shows...

Does USA need more cooking shows?

I feel Americans are wide enough, and the last thing we need is a reminder that we need to eat late at night.

American Baking Competition and Master Chef were two that I just flipped past.

As a viewer, I was compelled to cook ravioli with tomatoes and two types of cheese.

All in all, I feel like a royal fatmuffin because I ate too much.  Guilt and betrayal of one's self.
